Saturday, May 31, 2008

Vitamins sources

Vitamin A:Eggs ,Milk ,Cheese ,Cream ,Liver ,Kidney ,Cod ,Halibut fish oil
Vitamin D:Cheese ,Butter ,Margarine ,Cream ,Fortified milk ,Cereals
Vitamin E:Wheat germ ,Corn ,Nuts ,Seeds ,Olives ,Spinach and other green leafy vegetables ,Asparagus ,Vegetable oils and products made from vegetable oils, such as margarine
Vitamin K:Cabbage ,Cauliflower ,Spinach ,Soybeans ,Cereals

Folate:Green, leafy vegetables ,Fortified foods
Niacin (B3):Dairy products ,Poultry ,Nuts ,Eggs ,Legumes ,Enriched breads and cereals
Pantothenic acid and biotin:Eggs ,Dairy products ,Whole-grain cereals ,Legumes ,Yeast ,Broccoli and other vegetables in the cabbage family ,White and sweet potatoes
Thiamine (B1):Fortified breads, cereals, and pasta ,Whole grains ,Dried beans ,Peas ,Soybeans ,Dairy products ,Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin B12:Eggs ,Milk and milk products
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)Citrus fruits and juices ,Strawberries ,Tomatoes ,Broccoli ,Turnip and other greens ,Sweet and white potatoes ,Cantaloupe

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Measures to prevent Cholera

This is what I found in THE HINDU today:
Take the following precautions to check the spread of Cholera.

  • Drink boiled water
  • Keep the public water taps and surrounding space clean
  • Eat hot and fresh food. Take fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Keep the surroundings of your house clean and hygienic
  • Wash hands after defecating and before taking food


  • Don't drink water from pipes found leaking
  • Don't take food kept in the open susceptible to contamination by dust,flies, cockroaches and other pests.
  • Don't take fruits sliced and sold by pushcart venders on the streets
  • Don't throw garbage on footpaths or drains

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cool Cucumbers

Aside from its internal uses, cucumber can help control constipation, stomach disorders, arthritis, cholera, and acne. The high water content, combined with its ability to balance acid, helps to reduce disorders and ailments that may be a cause of overproduction of various acidic compounds.
Juicing a cucumber is, perhaps, the best way to consume it for maximum nutritional benefit. Juicing helps to preserve all minerals, natural-occurring vitamins, and nutrition value; cucumber juice can be combined with other vegetables such as carrot and beets for a detoxifying drink or smoothie.
Not to mention, its coolness effect.. slice it and place it on your eyes!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oranges n Lemons

A citrus bowl is a winning strategy against this deadly disease: cancer. That's right. Keep a bowl full of oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit on your kitchen counter and you'll have access to a formidable lineup of limonoids -- special phytochemicals known to help give colon, skin, and other cancers the boot.
Limonoids not only help fight cancer but also may cut cholesterol. And citrus fruits provide a healthy dose of other good-for-you nutrients, too -- like potassium, folate, and vitamin C.


The chemical compounds that give ginger its zesty taste - gingerol and shogaol - appear to reduce intestinal contractions and neutralise digestive acids.
Ginger is also a great antidote for travel sickness.

Ginger blocks the body's production of substances that contribute to bronchial constriction as well as fever.

The gingerols in ginger also act as natural cough suppressants. Ginger in its natural form is most effective. The active ingredients in ginger retain potency when processed. Try drinking ginger tea made with half a teaspoon of grated root ginger and boiled water.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Choose bright green, firm, young pods with a little air-space left between the individual peas. Avoid discoloured or wrinkled pods, overfull pods may contain hard, tough peas so avoid these too. Peas should be eaten as fresh as possible for the very best flavour.
Best source of Vitamin C
Also contains :
Magnesium, Potassium,Folate,Rutin,Zinc,Niacin,Phosphorous,Iron,Copper,Calcium...
and a whole lot of other nutrients....


  1. Promotes the cleansing of the entire circulatory and digestive system.
  2. Purifies the blood
  3. Promotes normal blood pressure and pulse rate
  4. Prevents muscle aches, tiredness, skin blemishes, headaches, rheumatism, ulcers and sore throats
  5. Acts as a thermal nutrient which increases the absorption of herbs and other nutrients.
    Keep eating Capsicum.... :) :) :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Beat tiredness with Beetroot

The benefits of beetroot include:
Almost fat free, the beetroot is a good source of B vitamins, zinc, vitamins A and C, calcium, phosphorous, potassium magnesium, protein and soluble fibre.
Relaxes the mind and eases depression.
The high iron content can help to treat anaemia and tiredness.

Beetroot juice, is a wonderful skin cleanser that assists with curing acne and a clear complexion.


You have hit the gold mine of nutrients.

Carrot juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin A that can be used in the daily diet. It strengthens the eyes .
Vitamin A is essential in keeping healthy condition the mucous membranes which line all the cavities of the body. Vitamin A promotes growth of bones and teeth, the maintenance of healthy body tissues, and the maintenance of normal glandular functions. It aids in the resistance to infections.
Preparing Carrots for Juicing
Wash carrots thoroughly in cold water, using a stiff vegetable brush. Scrape lightly, but do not peel, as valuable vitamins and minerals lies close to the surface. The juice should be taken immediately it is made, if at all possible. If not, let the juice flow directly into glass jars which should then be covered with screw-on lids. After pouring the quantity to be used immediately, keep the remaining juice-tightly covered--in the refrigerator to prevent loss of vitamin and mineral content through oxidation

Is It Too Hot Outside ??

Here is an important tip for the hot hot summer...

It’s important to prevent the UV radiation from entering your skin!!

· Seek the shade, especially during the sun's peak hours (12-3pm)
· Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher.
· Cover up with clothing, especially a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses. · Get vitamin D safely through a healthy diet that includes vitamin supplements

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Honey is a natural antiseptic, moisturiser and because of all its antioxidants, it is an anti age fighter as well.

Use a small amount on insect bites or blisters since it has a natural protective salve which seals out further infections and it creates a moist healing environment within.

Do you know any other use for honey... let us know

After a meal do not do these...

1. Don't eat fruits immediately

2. Don't drink tea

3. Don't loosen your belt

4. Don't bathe

5. Don't sleep immediately


Watermelons are a good source of antioxidants that help your body detox, as well as fight infections, ageing and inflammation. The seeds are also rich in antioxidants.

Take advantage of these benefits, by blending chunks of watermelon to release the goodness in the seeds. This is great to drink when you are hungover!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Red Red Tomatoes

Starting with the basics, tomatoes contain large amounts of vitamin C. They also contain vitamin A, potassium, and 7 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of iron for women and 10 percent RDA for men. The red pigment contained in tomatoes is called lycopene. This compound appears to act as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells in the body.

When choosing your tomatoes, be sure to pick those with the most brilliant shades of red. These indicate the highest amounts of beta-carotene and lycopene. Though raw tomatoes are great for you, cooking them releases even more of the benefits. Lycopene is located in the cell wall of the tomato, so by cooking it, this healing compound is more fully released. In addition cooking the tomato in olive oil allows your body to absorb the lycopene better. Tomatoes don't lose any of their nutritional value in high heat processing, making canned tomatoes and tomato sauce both just as viable and beneficial as fresh tomatoes.

Wishing u are in pink(or rather red) of health...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Go Bananas over Bananas

Lets start with the benefits of fruits...

Bananas give a substantial instant and sustained boost of energy. They can help overcome or prevent many illnesses and conditions. Bananas contain vitamin B which calms the nervous system as well as potassium, which is depleted in times of stress. This coupled with the low salt content, makes them heart-healthy. Tryptophan is converted by the body into serotonin, a relaxant and mood improver. The vitamin B6 also regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood, as well as help avoid morning sickness.

Bananas are high in iron. A high fibre content can restore regular bowel action. The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system. Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Have you seen Boris Becker munching a banana during a match.....

Summary and Thanks....

This blog will have few tips to maintain a high standard of healthy living...

Thanks Vidi for helping me with the contents...
Hope all those who visit this page gets lots of useful information.... and hope you all put it to use...